Tuesday, April 15, 2008

get your gaming and multimedia news here

I'm going to post more articles, this site will hope to talk about financials, games, and media. One blurb is this don't drink too much alcohol consistently over 10 years. Its one way of getting liver cancer. bad bad stuff. I'll talk about financial education so hopefully people can learn more about financing and stocks, including me.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Finally we get to eat
hmm hmm
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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Xbox 360 and PS3 high tech bores?

After seeing the latest games for the 360 its apparent that everyone is betting on technology and high end graphics. Alot of the games looked really good but besides that they didn't seem very exciting. Perfect Dark 360 seems to offer some innovative ideas but not enough to warrant the high price tag of the 360. Granted graphics
do provide nice presentation and an immerisive environment but I was hoping the 360 would offer more than just PC level entertainment. And with its high price tag I don't know. PS3 will probably fare well with its developers but is that controller really meant for people to play with? It looks like a prop from a sci fi B Movie. That or a metallic boomerang. I'm perfect happy playing RE4 on the Ps2 with its great gameplay. Yes I would want a 360 under my tree but for $400 bucks? Probably not unless they offer a killer ap. Kameo seems to kiddish and the gameplay and control is more minors. Another racing game and a movie franchise game doesn't make the launch look all that great. Give us some innovation and quality titles MS. They should of made a Halo 2.5 for release at least.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

New Xbox 360 Kiosks are at Electronics Boutique

I went into EB and saw an Xbox 360 Kiosk but apparently they didn't ship the correct
hardware cables so it couldn't be shown. I hope this isn't a bad omen.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Nobody Knows a great little film

Nobody Knows I just saw yesterday and its a great movie.
Horikazu Kore-Eda is an enigma. He's a very young director for
the number of significant movies he's made in Japan.
He's made in this reviewers opinion some of the most important and enjoyable
films in Japan in the last decade. The movie is long 2h 20 min approx but
its one of those films that you want to keep on going. Even though its sad, it moving,
in a way that great movies have the ability to. Its one of the years best films
and the starring actor also won the best actor award from Cannes.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Games need to be more creative too much FPS

Aren't people tired of the same old FPS games. Yes Doom was great, Quake was awesome. But Half Life 2 is pretty much a dispointment in my eyes. Too much realistic physics, maybe somebody will mod it and make it a funner game. I can walk outside my house to get realistic physics and graphics but am I that entralled. Whats happened to games, are they only just show cases for the hardware. What happened to games like Space Quest and Kings Quest or other games that had humor. Yeah computer games have always been a sea of crap with a few jewels once in awhile. Its always been like that but at least the old stuff was more orginal and had more fantasy in the games.