Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Xbox 360 and PS3 high tech bores?

After seeing the latest games for the 360 its apparent that everyone is betting on technology and high end graphics. Alot of the games looked really good but besides that they didn't seem very exciting. Perfect Dark 360 seems to offer some innovative ideas but not enough to warrant the high price tag of the 360. Granted graphics
do provide nice presentation and an immerisive environment but I was hoping the 360 would offer more than just PC level entertainment. And with its high price tag I don't know. PS3 will probably fare well with its developers but is that controller really meant for people to play with? It looks like a prop from a sci fi B Movie. That or a metallic boomerang. I'm perfect happy playing RE4 on the Ps2 with its great gameplay. Yes I would want a 360 under my tree but for $400 bucks? Probably not unless they offer a killer ap. Kameo seems to kiddish and the gameplay and control is more minors. Another racing game and a movie franchise game doesn't make the launch look all that great. Give us some innovation and quality titles MS. They should of made a Halo 2.5 for release at least.


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